Yama Farms Inn
Page 6
Outdoor sports at the Inn
Fishing at the Yama Farms Ponds
Trap Shooting
Shooting At The "Bear"
Putting on the 8th Hole Green
A 1931 booklet distributed by
Yama Farms, designedto supply strictly matter-of-fact information, announced that Mr. Frank Meehan of
Philadelphia has taken advantage of the natural contour of the land, and built a nine hole golf course immed-
iately by the Inn. The general comment of the past few years has been, It's a sporty course without being too
hard. A professional is in attendance at the golf house near the first tee and caddies within call. The extensive
ulations which is currently on display in the permanent Yama exhibit. The regulations included Caddies must
not swing player's clubs or take them from the bag except upon request and Caddies must keep off the putting
greens at all times except to hold the flag when employed. More importantly, in the light of the general Yama
philosophy of no other charges or tipping, caddie fees were established at “fifty cents for nine holes for class
A caddies down to “thirty cents for class C, and in sameproportion for additional holes played. The regulations
urged guests not to be over liberal in classification and reminded No tips to or ball purchases from caddies
Pictures of the Yama Water Mill and House
"The Gate House and Water Wheel at Yama-no-Uchi in Napanoch, New York in
Ulster County postcard published by Wm. McMullen, Ellenville, N.Y. This gate
house is beautifully made with local cobblestones.
This card dates from about 1914."
More pictures old the old Water Mill
Water Mill and Wooden Bridge on lower entrance trail to the Stables, Tea
House, Staff House and Main House.
Old Water Mill Bridge on the way to the Stables and Main House from the lower entrance
Old colorized Post Card of the Trail Bridge, Water Mill and stables in the background
!914 Post Card. View of the Yama Farms Inn Water Mill